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Arena Cinelounge, The LA Indie Movie Theater Is All Set To Be The City’s First To Reopen

The Arena Cinelounge on Sunset Blvd. was set to welcome audiences back on June 19, until the city barred theaters from reopening at the last minute.

The plan for whenever Arena Cinelounge is able to reopen is to keep the maximum capacity at 15 people. “We’ve decreased the seat count in a very fun way; we’ve put some celebrities in the theater, cardboard standees, to make it look full,” Meoli said. “Face masks are required, with six-feet social distancing in place in our lobby.” He said that the purifiers in place have HEPA H-13 filters, that will “essentially clean the air in the theater and lobby every 30 minutes. I think we may have the cleanest air of anybody in LA right now. It may become a selling point. Come to the movies for some clean air!”

The owner Christian Meoli also said “we have diagrammed our space. We have recognized and minimized touch points in the space. We’ve also recognized what potentially could be hotspots, and we’re going to be sanitizing those every 30 minutes. The only other thing I could do is maybe put a mask on the screen!”

Meoli said he’s planning to pitch Warner Bros. to offer “Tenet” to the Arena Cinelounge, which he believes to be a safer space than a multiplex right now. “I think you’d want to be comfortable,” he said. “We’re in a day and age where you may actually want to know the name of the person who’s behind the box office, right? And you want to feel safe.”



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