Brad Pitt was spotted in South Centra Los Angeles last week handing out boxes of groceries to low-income families in the area. Sporting a face mask, to protect himself and others during the COVID-19 pandemic, and a casual ensemble, Pitt’s presence reportedly went unnoticed by the general public.

“He was completely committed, you could see it wasn’t a case of him turning up and showing his face. He had his gloves on and he was involved as much and probably more than anyone else there… His heart was in it and it was just a hats-off moment. It seemed like it was the real Brad Pitt, which we don’t really ever get to see.”
“He was there between three and four hours and he would only stop every hour or so to have a quick three-minute break to smoke a cigarette and then he was back at it,” the source added. “He was grabbing more boxes than anyone there and then carrying probably six boxes at a time on a cart.”

The source notes that Pitt did not appear to make a publicity stunt out of the good deed. The only time he unmasked was to hang out with his fellow volunteers after those in line had left.