Born in El Salvador, she started acting when she was 4 years old and also explored singing, dancing, and producing theater. It was our pleasure to interview Nadia Flamenco regarding her film, Josefina.

What was the inspiration behind the making of Josefina?
I did volunteer at the consulate of El Salvador in San Francisco just hearing the news about migrants every day, also I’m a mother, and broke my heart to see children being separated from their parents for immigration reasons, listen to the stories about migrants passing the desert and surviving the Cartels
What were some of the challenges of making the film?
The Pandemic that’s why I became Covid Compliance Officer, crew and cast and figure out how to film during Ovid times, try to get Covid test for crew and cast it was difficult.
Small crew, small cast figuring out how to film the scene and keep everyone as safe as possible
When did you realize that you wanted to make films and what was the first film project that you created?
My first film it was In High school in El Salvador I directed a film based in the book La Gringa and adapted for film version it included few commercials it was all fun.
I have been doing something artistic all my life since I was 4. Deciding to make films started when I came to the US in 2010 I didn’t get a job as a legal assistant and then I said what else I can do? I got an acting scholarship in El Salvador so I looked on Craigslist for acting and my first job was for a commercial here in SF with A24 as background since then the show business has been a bless and opened doors now as a SAG-AFTRA and working backstage as a freelancer for union and non-productions.
Which directors have been influential in your work and why?
I love Scorsese, Danny Boyle, Almodóvar, Cuaron, Tom Tykwer, Tarantino.
But I will say who influence the most this production was Poveda a french director that got killed in El Salvador for his documentary called “La Vida Loca” and the reality of his documentary it’s a hard breaking story also the struggle and suffer of a filmmaker that most of the time is unknown.
What genre of filmmaking do you like to work on?
Drama and comedy
What is the most challenging aspect of making an independent film?
What is your plan for the further distribution of your film?
Film freeways for now and see if doors and windows open
How can cinema change the world and have an impact on society?
Cinema and storytelling have the power to change minds and souls because Art I do believe is the expression of God on us.
What is your next film project?
I have a project now working as an actress this week I have an NDA and the next week As crew not directing I also have NDA sorry about that.
Why do you make films and what draws you to the language of cinema and directing?
There are stories that need to be told and Cinema is an amazing way to express them, I consider myself a learner I still figuring out if directing is my call, I continue practicing and enjoying the journey I feel blessed to be part of it and also as Latina filmmaker and starting from zero has giving me the inspiration to keep going, because is a call I got chosen to work in the show business.