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Winners of LA Indies Film Fest

LA Indies magazine brings together independent filmmakers and critics from LA and all over the world in order to vote for the online competition of LA Indies. It is with great joy for the LA Indies committee to announce the winners of the latest online competition of LA Indies.

Best Feature Documentary Film

Akwaaba the Awakening

Dir: Sybil D. Jatta

Best Short Narrative Film

Rumi's Rumba

Dir: George Kostopoulos

Best Director

The Out-Fit

Dir: Maty Young

Best Short Documentary Film


Dir: Annabelle Gangneux

Best Comedy

House Hunt: Topanga Canyon

Dir: Kathleen Kuhn

Best Science Fiction


Dir: Randy Memoli

Best Horror

Deep Redd

Dir: Lionel Monsanto

Best Animation

Starship Impossible

Dir: Greg McLeod

Best Student

The Holy Water

Dir: Aleksandra Timan

Best TV Series/Pilot/Web

There's an App for That

Dir: Ed Toolis

Best Experimental

After Masks

Dirs: Manaal Khan, Tayo Amos, Rebekah Wiggins, John Crockett, Brian McCulley

Best Script


Writer: Susan Klos

Best Actress

Jessica Rookeward

For: The Out-Fit

Best Cinematography

Rumi's Rumba

DOP: Nicola Raggi

Best Producer

Las Parcas

Producer: Bruna Rubio

Best Editor

The Out-Fit

Editor: Brett Calo

Best Composer

The Out-Fit

Music: Kian Fuertes, Nina Baumer



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